I own all the rights to the pictures presented here; all where taken by myself. For more info mail to: markus.rummel@gmail.com

Sonntag, 21. August 2016

Lined surgeonfish (Acanthurus lineatus) in Phuket (Kata beach), Thailand

Blaustreifen-Doktorfisch in Phuket (Kata beach), Thailand

Dieser vegetarische lebende Fisch bewohnt seichte Riffe auf denen er tagsüber Algen abgrast. Seine versteckten, nach vorne gerichteten Stacheln an der Schwanzflosse enthalten Gift.

This fish is herbivorous and resides on shallow reefs where it can find algae to feed on during daytime. Its caudal fin has hidden spines pointing to the front which contain venom.

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